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Reading Group on Introductory Formal Methods (2021/2022)

The aim of this reading group is to critically engage with Formal Methods. We will start reading the book: Logic in Computer Science written by Michael Huth and Mark Ryan, 2nd Edition (link to the book: Logic in Computer Science | Higher Education from Cambridge). The readings cover fundamental topics such as propositional logic, predicate logic, temporal logic, and the basics of model checking and program verification. The meetings will take place on a weekly basis at the IT University of Copenhagen and Virtually. Participants from all disciplinary backgrounds with an interest in Formal Methods are welcome to join the reading group. The Reading covers ~60% of the topics of the book.


This reading group will be held in the form of a discussion group, in 10 weekly meetings.

First a chapter is presented collaboratively by lecturers and students in an hour introduction session, followed by another session the week after in which all participants will continue with a thorough discussion on the chapter for an hour. The discussion is led by a student.


ITU PhD school will issue certificates for 2.5 ECTS for all students who participate actively (lead a session).

Dates (Mondays at 11:00-12:00)

DayDateLecture Title Lecturer
1Nov. 15thPropositional Logic, Presentation and DiscussionProf. Erika Abraham
2Nov. 22ndPropositional Logic– Discussion-
3Nov. 29thPredicate Logic, Presentation and DiscussionProf. Andrzej Wąsowski
4Dec. 6thPredicate Logic– Discussion-
5Dec. 13thVerification by Model Checking including Temporal Logics, Presentation and DiscussionDr. Mahsa Varshosaz
6Dec. 20thVerification by Model Checking including Temporal Logics– Discussion-
7Jan. 17thProgram Verification,  Presentation and DiscussionProf. Einar Broch Johnsen, Dr. Silvia Lizeth Tapia Tarifa
8Jan. 24thProgram Verification– Discussion-
9Jan. 31stBinary Decision Diagrams,  Presentation and DiscussionProf. Erika Abraham
10Feb. 7thBinary Decision Diagrams– Discussion-


  • Dr. Mahsa Varshosaz (mahv (at)
  • Prof.  Andrzej Wąsowski (wasowski (at)


Sign Up:

Each participant must submit a (upto) two-page overview of their doctoral research that describes their research question, work in progress, and expected contributions.  – Email to

Deadline for signing-up: 10/11/2021